Employee ID Badges

Employee ID Badges
.30 mil PVC
Print Size 2 1/8 X 3 3/8
Cards come slotted with a strap clip for wearing ID badge. New product! We now sell digital ID badges for use with your phone. Call for details.
Setup Fee: $75.00 (must have camera ready artwork)
(All Logos should be 210 resolution or higher and be in Original Format)
One Side Badge without Photo (Visitor, Vendor, Contractor badges): $5.00ea
One Side Badge with Photo: $10.00ea
Two Side Badge with photo & Black print on Back: $15.00ea
Two Side Badge with photo and Color Both Sides: $20.00ea
Reprints with no changes: $5.00ea
(One side with photo, Two side with photo and black on back)
Reprints with new photo: $10.00ea
(One side with photo, Two side with photo and black on back)
Step 1.
Contact us via email at badges@securityimaging.com or call us at 1-877-369-7033. Email us your logo in .jpg or .tiff format with 210 Resolution or Higher Email us your layout or an idea of what information you want on your badge such as name, title, employee number.
Step 2.
We will send you a sample badge/pass via email- so you can tell us what changes if any need to be made. We can also send you a hard copy if necessary. Once you approve the badge/pass- you will need to have a release form faxed to you. The release form asks for a copy of your business license and signature.
Step 3.
We can start making your badges/passes! Send via email all your photos and employee information and your badges/passes will be sent out the same day!